Thursday 14 October 2010

Codes & Conventions of Documentaries =]

All documentaries stick to specific certain codes and conventions and if they stick to these, it is ensured to be a successful documentary.

The codes and conventions are as followed:-

  • There is always conflict starting usually in the middle of the documentary.
  • Natural sounds are always used during interviews.
  • Evidence and facts are used to make the documentary more believable to the viewers and understand the basics of the documentary.
  • Reconstructions are used to show audiences different points of view.
  • Establishing shots of locations are used to help the audience understand where the documentary is based.
  • The interviewee is framed to the left or right of the camera
  • Interviewee never looks at the camera.
  • Graphics are always simple in an interview as not to detract from the interviewee.
  • The eye line of the interviewee is a third of the way down the screen
  • Mise-en-scene is thought about throughout the documentary
  • Sound effects are used to dramatise the documentary
  • Experts that are interviewed throughout the documentary are named
  • Vox Pops are used to gather the public view point.
  • A wide variety of camera angles are used to provide interest.
  • Exposition is clear
  • Cutaways are always used to anchor meaning to the documentary.
  • Cutaways are always used when necessary.
  • No questions are opposed
  • Music beds are always used to help the audience feel a certain mood throughout the documentary and also so the documentary does not become too boring.
  • Every documentary has a relevant title to the topic that it is based on.
  • The opening title sequences are used to introduce the audience into the documentary.
  • Questions asked by the interviewer are always simple and based on the topic, they are never personal questions.
  • Voice over are always used, especially when a particular issue needs to be addressed.
  • Documentaries tend to be a mixed style, so that it has something that everyone will enjoy in it.
  • Experts are always named so that the documentary seems that all of their facts and figures are 100% right.

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