There are many certain codes and conventions involved in film interviews, these conventions are shown in the documentaries that I watched "In the teeth of Jaws" based on the movie Jaws by Steven Spielberg and " The Simspons 20th Anniversary Special In 3D on Ice" based on the American television programme The Simspons.
- Interviewees filmed in medium shot, medium close up or close up and as shown graphics are used to show who the person on screen is and their relevance to the topic of the documentary.

- Questions are edited out of the final production.
- Each answer expands on a previous question, developing points onto the current topic.
- They are framed left or right of the screen however if there are more than one interview positioning alternatives to create variety.

- Framing follows the rule of thirds as eyeline is rougly a third of the way down the frame.
- The interviewee looks at the interviewer not directly at the camera.

- Interviews are never filmed with a light source behind them i.e. in front of a window or with the sun behind them; the light is always in front of them.
- Mise-en-scene: background reinforces the content of the interview or is relevant to the interviewee, providing more information about them in terms of occupation or personal environment.

- Positioning of interviewer is therefore important. If the interviewee is on the Right side of the frame, the interviewer should be positioned on the Left side of the camera. If the interviewer is on the Left side of the frame, the interviewer is positioned on the Right side of the camera. In either case, the interviewer should sit or stand as close to the camera as possible.
- Cutaways are edited into interviewers for two reasons - To break up interviewers and illustrate what the interviewee is talking about & To avoid jump cuts when questions are edited out.

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