After we finished filming, we had to import the recording onto Adobe Premiere, we started editing our documentary first by separating the questions from the answers which took the most amount of time due to the preciseness of the cuts we had to make. When just the questions were left, we added them all together by using cross dissolves to reduce jump cuts. The blue screen allowed us to choose a different background which we decided to choose mobile phones as this was relevant to the nature of the documentary and it's a fundemental convention, however the interviewee appeared see through when on a light background therefore we stuck with a black background which made it look more formal. We put the cutaways in the background therefore audio was still being heard over the clip, we also decided to put the interviewee over the background therefore keeping the attention of the audience whilst making it look technical. We specifically planned to put the song Emergency - Paramore on the background because one of the interviewees answers include this because she enjoyed the irony of an emergency telephone call. Our first shot includes her name and the fact that she is a mobile phone user to inform the audience to who they are about to be listening to and their relevance to the documentary.

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