Friday, 1 October 2010

Brainstorm Of Content For Documentary =]

Graphics - The graphics that we plan on using will be blue and white yet look simple and kept to a minimum. We plan on only using graphics when necessary e.g. to introduce interviewees and the our title graphics will be white yet quite elaborated and detailed feminine font will be used to appeal to the female audience.

Colours - We decided that our main colours will pastel blue, white and possibly pink. However we plan to keep the colours to a minimum so it shouldn’t distract the audience from the subject content that is being given to them.

Editing – We are going to use establishing shots before an interview to let the audience know where the interview is being taken place. Simple cuts should be used between following shots of the interviews and definitely no dissolves or fades will be used as this will look amateur. Plenty of cutaways will be used to keep the audience attention and we will use cutaways that are relevant to the subject such as websites, clothes, catwalks and the high street. We shall use cutaways such as ones of the high street and we also were going to research newspaper headlines to include within the documentary. We shall integrate voxpops in to the documentary to create humour and bring light heartedness to the documentary.

Archive Footage – We shall use footage of designers and adverts of online shops including eBay, Amazon, ASOS etc. We shall edit them together in a sequence to demonstrate a wide variety of options. We shall also use footage of people talking about online fraud and reliability etc. Also we could include a reconstruction of people going online to buy products and also going in store to buy them.

Music & Sound – We shall keep the diegetic sound from the interviews to prevent obscuring the subject content. We shall have a music bed throughout the documentary which will include recent popular songs to keep the target audience interested however the music will change into dramatic music when serious topics are being discussed to let the audience know that it is serious. A voiceover will be used to lead the narrative, by someone we know with a formal voice, this will help present the slant of the documentary.

Narrative – The narrative shall discuss the decrease in shopping sales on the high street and the combined increase on online shopping. It shall also discuss how online shopping has evolved into a culture for our “lazy generation”. The “blockage” can be eBay and it shall present it’s unreliability & it’s tendency to scam people through their sales. This should be balanced with a slant on the high street and the extortionate prices that people are forced to pay which raises questions such as should we risk our shopping to save a few quid? This should link in with the recession and how it has affected the sales however it shouldn’t focus too much on the recession as this may become dull and pessimistic. The resolution would present how online shopping is efficient and how it benefits the high street.

Mise-en-Scene – All interviews should take place in their natural/working environment. We shall stick to the rule of thirds and try to make the interviewee elaborate on every point they make to gather as much detail as possible without appearing forceful. We shall also incorporate images of logos of the shops we mention.

Camerawork – We shall use close ups of the interviewees to ensure their significance. We shall also use pans in the high street to demonstrate the emptiness that it brings. Shallow and deep focus will be used to lend variety to the documentary and to show the endless online websites. The camera will be mainly static. Low angle shots of buildings and shops will be used to show power and authority of the company and possibly high angles of shops on the high street to make them appear weak under the strain of online

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