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Friday, 26 November 2010
Evaluation Question 1 =]
Evaluation Question 2 =]
My documentary has two ancillary texts which publicise and link into our documentary and we did it in a way so that everything works as a package, we did this as marketing the main product is based on how successful the ancillary texts are. The combination of all of our products are reliable as we used a number of codes and conventions to make them work together. The first thing that we did to link them together was the voice over, we chose a women to do it seeing as the documentary is stereotypically a womens topic. The voice over used on the documentary was also used on the radio advertisement to make sure that our products remained consistent. One of the main things was that we decided on a identifiable slogan “A You a World Wide Window Shopper?” because it relates to both the high street and online shopping aspect therefore giving the audience an idea of what the documentary will be about. Also because it’s a rhetorical question and alitteration based, we found it to be easier to remember and to be linked with the documentary. We used this slogan on both ancillary adverts to maintain the consistency of the package.
The scheduling was also made apparent in both adverts to remind the audience to remember when it is on. The title of our documentary was also included in all of our products, we chose the title “The Empty High Street” because it’s a juxtaposition as high streets are usually busy and we also chose it because it connotes a serious tone, which appeals to our target audience. We also included the same music throughout our documentary and radio advert so that when they hear the music, they will instantly link the two products together.
With regards to our print advertisement, we tried to use the stereotypical codes and conventions of Channel 4 newspaper advertisements, we did this by using little photo manipulation and also placing the famous Channel 4 logo in the right side. Through comparison, it shows how both posters contain similarities, this was done intentionally because when our target audience sees it, they would relate and associate the channel with our documentary. With regards to our radio advertisement, we used the same interviews that was used in the actual documentary, this was done to provide some sort of preview for the audience hopefully intriguing them into watching the actual documentary.

Another way in which we linked our products together was the graphics, due to the audience feedback we learnt which colour the target audience prefers therefore using this colour in the documentary typography & our print advertisement graphics.
Evaluation Question 3 =]
The first piece of Audience Feedback I required was commentary of the feedback, I used a Media student as they would be able to use the correct terminology and they also knew what type of feedback was required :-
Then I wanted a second feedback therefore I created an Audience Feedback Questionnaire which consisted of 15 questions - 5 for the print advertisement, 5 for the radio advertisement and 5 for the documentary. The questionnaire mainly consisted of questions on a scale as this would be easier to interpret & visualise. We decided to choose only 5 of our questions and their feedback were :-
1. Do you think the editing was smooth?
The average score for this question was 4, showing that the audience found that our editing was smooth however it needed improvement. According to the codes and conventions of documentaries, documentaries don’t require a variety of different editing techniques however to make it more appealing to the audience, we could incorporate quicker cuts with more cutaways.
2. Did you find our documentary informative?
The score for this question was 4 therefore this showed that our documentary was informative and that the audience learnt something about our chosen area. A way to improve our documentary would be to include more statistics and background of the internet and online shopping. We could also interview more experts explaining clearer about our documentary.
3. Did you like our slogan in both the advertisements and the documentary?
When asked whether they enjoyed our slogan, the majority of the audience said that they did with the exception of one person therefore I don’t think that we should make any improvements on the slogan as generally the slogan was effective due to its use of play on words in junction with alliteration.
4. What is your opinion on the sound of the documentary?
The majority of the audience said that the music bed related to the documentary because of its feminine girly tone. The biggest criticism we received was that not all of the cuts were the same volume as the music, we incorporated into it was louder than some of the voice over, we could improve this by either picking a different choice of music or by retaking the interviews to increase the quality of the sound.
5. Are there any improvements that we can make in the documentary to make it more entertaining/interesting?
The biggest improvement that we recieved through our audience feedback was that they said that the documentary didn't flow as the interviews, even though they were relevant, they seemed to jump from one point to the next. They also said that they started to lose interest as the documentary went on, a suggestion to improve this is that in the middle or near the end of the documentary, we should do faster cuts of retailers - online or high street. We could also improve our documentary by making it more light hearted by showing shopping gone wrong or include less serious interviews.
I also uploaded our documentary onto Youtube to gain comments from the public, however no one commented their views about it:-

Radio Advertisement Production =]
- A voice over is always present throughout the advertisement but it also includes clips from the actual documentary
- A music bed is present with relevant music to the documentary.
- The scheduling of the documentary is placed at the end of the advertisement
- The timing of the radio advertisement should be about 30 seconds long.
Radio Script
Online shopping is Britains new favourite passtime. Every retailer has it's loyal followers (Voxpops x3). Is high street shopping really becoming a thing of the past? (Interview) The Empty High Street, 8pm, on the 22nd on Channel Four.
Below is an example of a radio advertisement, even though it was produced for the television, it also works well as a radio advertisement, also it was hard to find an actual radio advertisement.
Filming Diary =]

We did two interviews of an elderly persons perspective on modern shopping and how it has changed. They both took about 10 minutes to film however the framing was wrong on the second interviewee so we had to film this interview again a week later.
Lastly, we went into Stockton Heath on one of our frees and filmed numerous amounts of cutaways to include in the documentary. We also went into Warrington Town Centre on a seperate occasion to do also do this, however due to their management, we weren’t allowed to film there.
Scripting Voice Over =]
Over recent years, retailers have gradually been moving their merchandise online to try and broaden the ways in which we the public shops. Is the highstreet a thing of the past?
Online shopping has become more popular. Independent websites have been established over the past decade such as Play.com along with clothing retailers such as ASOS and Boohoo.
Retailers are celebrating succesful sales online.
· Many elderly shoppers rely on the high street and are struggling to cope with the transition.
· Some are attempting to keep up with socuety by trying to shop online. The highstreet has been a “safe haven” for this type of shopper.
· The recession has affected the high street significantly, online shopping offers more discounts to the buyers.
· The high street is struggling to survive in the current economic climate needing to compete with online sales.
· Depending on age, many people are being affected by the recession in different ways. Many do not understand how the recession has affected them personally.
· Ebay is an online auction and shopping website in which people and businesses buy and sell a broad variety of goods worldwise. Websites such as Ebay and Amazon have revolutionised the way we shop as you can post your own items online, selling to other buyers.
· Ebay has it’s flaws with frauds selling goods.
Sex and the City
· Shopping is a past-time that girls do together, online shopping prevents girls from spending time together.
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Newspaper Advertisement Production =]
- The logo is usually placed at the bottom and the right side of the page.
- A small use of photo manipulation.
- There is a limited word count to not detract from the image.
- Use of one simple image.
- The channel, scheduling & website are usually placed in the bottom left.
- The image used is normally shocking to grab the audience attention.
- The overall theme of the advert is that is it simplistic.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Editing =]

This was the beginning of the opening titles, we sped up the live action of people shopping and then superimposed our documentary title "The Empty High Street" over it.
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Primary Research =]

We ended up filming voxpops in a local village as a result of this. We arranged an interview with an elderly person and this was completed fine. We rang Next and arranged an interview with a shop worker to express her opinions on the current transition from highstreet to online.
Monday, 1 November 2010
Logging Sheet & Edit Decision List =]
Production Group: Kirsteii, Betty & Danielle
Production Title (Working Title): The Empty Highstreet
Logging Sheet
Counter Number | Shot Description/ Other essential info | Shot Length | Good Take Yes/No |
1 | Warrington Town Centre Cutaway | 5.02 | Yes |
2 | Cutaways of Paper | 1.30 | Yes |
3 | Elderly Person Interview | 5.09 | Yes |
4 | Woolworths Cutaway | 0.07 | No |
5 | St.Helens Town Centre | 0.14 | No |
6 | Voxpops x2 | 2.04 | Yes |
7 | Cutaways of a Computer | 1.08 | Yes |
8 | Stockton Heath Cutaways | 0.54 | Yes |
9 | Broadbent & SOS Cutaways | 1.12 | Yes |
10 | Stockton Heath Cutaways | 0.39 | Yes |
11 | Voxpop x1 | 0.49 | Yes |
12 | SOS Cutaways | 1.17 | Yes |
13 | Voxpops x2 | 2.35 | Yes |
14 | Elderly Person Interview 2 | 4.08 | Yes |
15 | Elderly Person Interview 2 - Retake | 10.18 | Yes |
16 | Computer Cutaway | 0.14 | Yes |
17 | Shopping Assistant Interview | 1.41 | Yes |
18 | Car park Cutaway | 0.21 | Yes |
19 | Voxpops x8 | 9.04 | Yes |
20 | Independent Boutique Interview | 3.07 | Yes |
Edit Decision List
1 | Shopping Bags in hand |
2 | eBay Logo |
3 | eBay advice article |
4 | Online shopping button |
5 | Internet windows with Amazon, eBay links |
6 | Close up of Amazon Logo |
7 | Browsing of Boohoo website |
8 | Person browsing a clothes site |
9 | Sex & The City footage |
10 | Sped up motion of Warrington High Street (Change in speed/duration to make it 50x faster) |
11 | Voxpop |
12 | Interview with Elderly Shopper (Marion) |
13 | Stockton Heath cutaway (Embedded over Marion’s Interview) |
14 | Interview with Elderly Shopper (Vilma) |
15 | Cutaway of elderly people (Embedded over Vilma’s Interview) |
16 | Sale zoom (Change in speed/duration to make it 10x faster) |
17 | Pan of rack of clothes in S.O.S |
18 | Shop Assistant Interview |
19 | Scrolling Webpage Cutaway (Embedded over Shop Assistant’s Interview) |
20 | Interview with Elderly Shopper (Vilma) |
21 | Extreme close up of Cardigan |
22 | Shoes on the rack |
23 | eBay Advert |
24 | Shop Assistant Interview |
25 | Boutique Owner Interview |
26 | Enter into S.O.S & Pan |
27 | Voxpop |
28 | Voxpop |
29 | 50% off Cutaway |
30 | Interview with Elderly Shopper (Marion) |
31 | Boohoo Browsing |
32 | Boutique Owner Interview |
33 | Shop Assistant Interview |
34 | Shoes Cutaway (Embedded into Shop Assistant’s Interview |
35 | Interview with Elderly Shopper (Vilma) |
36 | Boutique Owner Interview |
37 | Broadbents Cutaway |
38 | Close up of bag |
39 | Interview with Elderly Shopper (Marion) |