Friday 26 November 2010

Scripting Voice Over =]


Over recent years, retailers have gradually been moving their merchandise online to try and broaden the ways in which we the public shops. Is the highstreet a thing of the past?

Online shopping has become more popular. Independent websites have been established over the past decade such as along with clothing retailers such as ASOS and Boohoo.

Retailers are celebrating succesful sales online.


· Many elderly shoppers rely on the high street and are struggling to cope with the transition.

· Some are attempting to keep up with socuety by trying to shop online. The highstreet has been a “safe haven” for this type of shopper.


· The recession has affected the high street significantly, online shopping offers more discounts to the buyers.

· The high street is struggling to survive in the current economic climate needing to compete with online sales.

· Depending on age, many people are being affected by the recession in different ways. Many do not understand how the recession has affected them personally.


· Ebay is an online auction and shopping website in which people and businesses buy and sell a broad variety of goods worldwise. Websites such as Ebay and Amazon have revolutionised the way we shop as you can post your own items online, selling to other buyers.

· Ebay has it’s flaws with frauds selling goods.

Sex and the City

· Shopping is a past-time that girls do together, online shopping prevents girls from spending time together.

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